March 5, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The usage of virtual or remote instruction in a full-time or hybrid manner has been necessary to limit student and staff exposure throughout this pandemic. However, with this mode of instruction, we have been mindful regarding the importance of addressing any potential gaps in learning or the need to reinforce fundamental and important concepts and skills. To this end, we will be offering tutorial/remediation programs throughout the district at all grade bands beginning in April.
We will be using multiple data points to identify student needs and to craft targeted instruction at all grade levels to assist students. In addition to the core content subjects, the programs will also integrate areas such as SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and Self-Regulation, as we prioritize the importance of addressing our student needs holistically.
Moreover, it is essential that we constantly monitor our instructional practices to ensure that we are providing essential and strategic educational experiences to our students. As such, instruction in the programs will be differentiated where applicable to ensure that we are meeting student needs.
Below you will find a description of the programs at each grade level. Additional information such as start dates, how to sign-up, etc., will be coming from your child’s Principal. Furthermore, the district will be operating engaging summer programs. More information concerning these will be coming soon.
Please contact your Principal regarding any questions or concerns.
Dr. William F. Baskerville, Jr.
Assistant Superintendent
Curriculum and Instruction