1. Student Achievement
To provide a range of opportunities for students to create personal school experiences and life skills that will allow them to succeed in the 21st century.
• Continue to strengthen the culture of wellness through social and emotional learning, self-reflection, community service, and healthy living
• Provide academic and guidance support for students to embrace all post-secondary academic or career opportunities available
• Create opportunities for students to strengthen the organizational and soft skills necessary for success in and out of the school atmosphere
2. Equitable Access for All Students
Maximize resources and communication to support inclusive engagement activities for students of all district demographics.
• Increase opportunities for equitable student engagement
• Promote school and community resources
• Streamline communication to all families through various outreach methods
3. Community Engagement, Outreach, and Involvement
Increase student and family partnerships and engagement by removing barriers and streamlining communication between stakeholders.
• Continuously identify and remove barriers to inclusive engagement
• Advertise and promote school events through social media and other district communication methods
• Solidify collaboration between schools to strengthen family expectation of district culture
4. Building a Dynamic Educational Team
Innovatively recruit diverse and dynamic staff members who will receive supports through mentorships, professional development, and growth opportunities
• Employ various methods to recruit, attract, and hire diverse candidates
• Increase teacher support through professional development, mentorships, consistent expectations, and advancement opportunities
• Retain our staff by valuing opinions and creativity, celebrating individuality, creating positive cultural environments, and promoting a support-driven place of work
1. Promote a culture of individual wellness, mental health advocacy, and build social emotional learning
a. Strengthen district wellness and mental health initiatives, and provide opportunities for staff and students to practice self-care
b. Work with various student groups to uncover roadblocks to their success
c. Increase acceptance of and appreciation for cultural diversity and economic and social differences
d. Continue to improve community outreach and engagement to ensure all stakeholders are aware of the District’s wellness and mental health supports and how they are accessed
e. Deliberately implement district safety procedures to create the safest schools possible
2. Continue to support a rigorous instructional program that incorporates the 21st Century learning skills of critical thinking, communication, creativity, technology/media literacy, and collaboration
a. Implement a New Jersey Student Learning Standards aligned curriculum that takes into account differentiation and the various learning styles to provide engaging academic opportunities for all students
b. Provide numerous instructional and assessment opportunities for students to obtain and demonstrate content mastery and skill acquisition
c. Use district and state assessment data to inform, monitor, and adjust academic, extracurricular, and social/emotional programs that are currently provided while also developing creative student engagement opportunities
d. Maintain research-based professional development programs and opportunities that cultivate ongoing learning and professional dialogue to ensure a highly skilled teaching staff
3. Offer research-based educational services and interventions for our students who traditionally have been serviced via remediation and enrichment programs
a. Continue to implement researched-based academic and behavioral strategies and interventions that are consistent with the MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) which includes RTI (Response to Intervention)
b. Continue to improve prevention and intervention strategies and programming for addressing "at risk" behaviors of students
c. Utilize multiple data measures for the preparation and identification of all students, including Special Education and English Language Learners, for inclusion into Gifted and Talented programming.
d. Identify and utilize social emotional and behavioral screeners to assist the proper staff with aligning the appropriate resources with students need
4. Continue to enhance the parent/guardian volunteer involvement efforts and outcomes
a. Create welcoming environments for volunteers and various levels of successful volunteer outcomes
b. Design inclusive opportunities for parents/guardians to volunteer time to school events
c. Reinvent high school athletic parent/guardian volunteer process resulting transparent and equitable distribution of collective efforts
5. Strengthen our district and school culture(s) through building and environment beautification and deployment of resources
a. Address facility needs such as painting classrooms, renovating roofing applications, landscaping, and paving district roads and parking lots
b. Increase functionality of various district areas (kitchen serving lines, high school woodshop, gym acoustical panels, etc.) through equipment upgrades and design
c. Continue planning for Pre-K building location options such as Fellowship Farms and Eisenhower Schools
d. Increase breadth of technology resources to begin a three year district plan for classroom interactive hardware
1. Support: The Board will support and foster a culture of social and emotional learning through Board actions and District Wellness & Mental Health programs and services.
2. Educate: The Board will engage in professional development opportunities including individual Board member academy and Board Certification training with the NJSBA. The Board certification recognizes the full Board’s commitment to training and effective governance in areas such as group process, decision-making, planning, effective meetings, and focus on student achievement.
3. Communicate: The Board will foster communication with the community stakeholders through participation in Board and Committee meetings. We will also streamline effective communication through our district website and social media platforms. As liaisons to our schools we will strive to support our students and families by engaging in school events.
4. Inspire: The Board will support the YOU, I, WE Inspire initiative with an added emphasis on programs that seek to bridge the achievement gap and promote educational equity.