Health Services
Piscataway, New Jersey
The Piscataway Schools offer Health Services in conjunction with programs provided by the Board of Education, township, county, state and federal government.
Nursing Services:
Screenings of height, weight, blood pressure, vision, hearing, scoliosis, and physical assessment are done for pupils depending upon their grade level.The Parent/Guardian will be informed if further medical follow up is suggested.
Medical care or first aid will be administered to those children who become sick or injured at school.Referral will be made to the parent/guardian for follow-up care.
A Mantoux tuberculin testing program is conducted in accordance with state regulations and New Jersey law.
Informal health counseling is done by the nurse on an individual basis.
Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions or concerns regarding the health and well-being of your child.
Emergency Contact Information:
Please review the emergency contact information given to you, sign the form and return it to school.Please notify the Health Office at your child’s school if there are any changes in home, work or cell phone numbers.
New Jersey state law mandates immunization requirements for attendance in public schools.Your assistance in meeting these requirements is necessary.Pupils who do not meet these State immunization requirements will be excluded from school, in accordance with state law.For pupils who do not have health insurance, immunizations may be obtained through the Middlesex County Board of Health’s Children’s Immunization Program, which can be reached at 732-745-312.
If your child is absent due to a communicable disease or an injury, please notify the nurse.
Any pupil who needs a gym excuse for longer than three (3) consecutive days must have a note from the pupil’s healthcare provider.A note from the parent or guardian may be honored for up to three consecutive days.
For safety and the prevention of errors, pupils may not carry medication (prescription or over-the-counter) with them during the school day.All medication must be brought to the health office.Only medication in the original container (with pharmacy label for prescription medication) is allowed in school. Medication may only be administered at school by the school nurse or parent/legal guardian. The only exception is that students with asthma may carry inhalers, if the parent/guardian provides orders from a healthcare provider.
Please contact the school nurse with any changes in health status (injuries, hospitalizations, medications, communicable diseases or immunizations). Health information will be shared with essential staff to help your child reach his or her educational goals.
Thank you for your cooperation. Together, we can help your child to stay healthy and have a successful school experience.