*If a child has a fever (temperature over 100.4) or had a fever yesterday or last night, the child should stay home. Often a temperature will be normal in the morning, but as the day progresses, the temperature rises. A child should remain home until the child is fever free for 24 hours.
*If a child has vomited or vomited yesterday or last night, the child should stay at home. Again, 24 hours without vomiting is the time frame to use.
*If a child has diarrhea or diarrhea yesterday or last night, the child should stay home. When a child is free of diarrhea for 24 hours and shows no other signs or symptoms, the child may return to school.
*If a child has a very runny nose or a persistent cough, the child should stay home until symptoms have lessened for 24 hours.
*If a child has any sores, "weeping" skin areas or rashes, a healthcare provider’s note stating that the child is not contagious is to be given to the nurse upon returning to school.
In the close environment of the classroom, other students and teachers are subject to the organisms of a sick child. Also, a child’s resistance is lowered as the child’s body is fighting a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, mucus drainage, cough, or broken skin. Therefore, the child may develop additional signs of illness.
These guidelines are in place in accordance with New Jersey Statutes, which allows for the exclusion of pupils who are ill and the recommendation of the school physicians.
Working together we can hope to have an ill child recover from the illness and return to school ready to pursue the educational experience.
Any questions can be directed to the nurse.