![bus stop bus stop](https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_804050/Image/District%20Information/Transportation/bus.jpg)
School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell rings, and harried parents are trying to drop their kids off before work. It's never more important for drivers to slow down and pay attention than when kids are present – especially before and after school. There’s not one tool we can use to make it safe for all our students but together as a hard-working community we can make sure we are on alert.
- Please don’t text and drive.
- Make extra time for travel.
- Last but not least, don’t pass school bus stop signs and red lights.
"our" children to school safely is our number one concern. In order to
ensure the safety of all children we expect all students to behave
appropriately at ALL times-remember bus transportation is a privilege.
It only takes a few minutes to review these bus safety tips with your children. Please make the time for the safety of all our children.
Student Discipline on Bus
The bus driver is responsible for order and behavior on the school bus. All behavior problems will be immediately reported to the Principal and Transportation Department. Depending
on the infraction, disciplinary measures will be taken in accordance with Board Policies 5600 and 8600, the Code of Student Conduct, and transportation regulations. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following: a verbal/written warning, parent conference, bus
privileges being suspended (one, five, thirty-day, or indefinite
suspensions). During this period, the student’s parent/guardian is
liable and shall provide transportation to/from School.
to the opening of school, students are assigned to a specific bus and a
specific bus stop. Bus passes are mailed to all eligible students,
indicating route, stop, and time. Adult family members are encouraged to
remind children of all rules and regulations.
All students should know the following School Bus Rules and Safety Guidelines:
- Be at your designated stop 10 minutes prior to bus arrival. Although we strive for on-time performance, please allow +/- 10 minutes from your assigned stop time.
- Never stand and or play in the roadway while waiting for the bus. When possible stand on the sidewalk!
- Behave in a courteous manner while waiting -- be considerate of others property.
- Walk
facing the traffic-the school bus has many "blind spots". Do not
attempt to come up from behind; chances are the driver will not see you.
- Stay in the "SAFE ZONE" -- 10 feet in front of the bus. Never cross behind the bus.
- Wait
until the bus comes to a complete stop before entering (you should be
at least 3 GIANT steps from the curb to allow the driver to pull the bus
up to the curb) or leaving.
- Always remain seated, facing forward with a seat-belt on.
- No
student will be permitted to ride on any bus other than the one to
which he/she is assigned, unless approved by the Principal and the
Transportation Department.
- Late
buses are solely for active bus students who stay for extra curricular
activities/athletics. These students must have a valid pass from the advisor/coach, and use only existing stops on
existing activity routes. Please note: any student retained for detention purposes may not use the late bus.
- Keep
conversations at a "normal’ volume, with no vulgar language or gestures
to the driver, other passengers, or passersby. This is a serious safety
issue; any distraction to the driver may result in an accident.
- In an emergency, remain seated and wait for instructions from the driver.
- Keep all body parts inside the vehicle at all times.
- The
bus driver reserves the right to assign seats and to grant permission
to open windows. (A good rule of thumb -- you open it you close it.)
- Musical instruments, sporting equipment, school projects, etc. are not permitted on the bus unless
the student can carry the object safely on his/her lap. Click here for additional information.
- No eating, drinking, smoking, or vaping.
- Defacing
property or otherwise damaging the bus is not permitted. Charges will
be assessed for any damage, and bus privileges may be revoked.
- The District/contractor is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property.
The District may use videotaping systems on all vehicles to monitor student activity.
The District reserves the right to add, delete, or modify bus rules/safety guidelines at any time.
![bus bus](https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_804050/Image/Clip%20Art/2016-2017/School%20Bus.png)